Source code for hybridLFPy.gdf

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Create db from gdf files to be able to then select neuron spike times.

Best use case:
1. run simulation
2. create sqlite db of spike times with indexing
3. use this db many times

Creating index for db will dominate insertions for larger set of spike times.

[TODO] Check how much slower things are if index is created at start
[TODO] Simplify block_read. sqlite probably can covert for insert.
[TODO] Error checking
[TODO] sqlite optimizations
[TODO] Create read buffers once instead of for each file
[TODO] Spike times may be storable as int32 rather than float, save space
import numpy as np
import sqlite3 as sqlite
import os
import glob
from time import time as now
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys

[docs]class GDF(object): """ 1. Read from gdf files. 2. Create sqlite db of (neuron, spike time). 3. Query spike times for neurons. Parameters ---------- dbname : str Filename of sqlite database, see `sqlite3.connect` bsize : int Number of spike times to insert. new_db : bool New database with name dbname, will overwrite at a time, determines memory usage. Returns ------- `hybridLFPy.gdf.GDF` object See also -------- sqlite3, sqlite3.connect, sqlite3.connect.cursor """ def __init__(self, dbname, bsize=int(1e6), new_db=True, debug=False): """ 1. Read from gdf files. 2. Create sqlite db of (neuron, spike time). 3. Query spike times for neurons. Parameters ---------- dbname : str Filename of sqlite database, see `sqlite3.connect` bsize : int Number of spike times to insert. new_db : bool New database with name dbname, will overwrite at a time, determines memory usage. Returns ------- `hybridLFPy.gdf.GDF` object See also -------- sqlite3, sqlite3.connect, sqlite3.connect.cursor """ if new_db: try: os.unlink(dbname) except BaseException: print('creating new database file %s' % dbname) self.conn = sqlite.connect(dbname) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() self.bsize = bsize self.debug = debug def _blockread(self, fname, skiprows): """ Generator yields bsize lines from gdf file. Hidden method. Parameters ---------- fname : str Name of gdf-file. skiprows : int Number of skipped first lines Yields ------ list file contents """ with open(fname, 'r') as f: while True: a = [] for i in range(skiprows): next(f) for i in range(self.bsize): line = f.readline() if not line: break a.append(line.split()) if a == []: raise StopIteration yield a
[docs] def create(self, re='brunel-py-ex-*.gdf', index=True, skiprows=0): """ Create db from list of gdf file glob Parameters ---------- re : str File glob to load. index : bool Create index on neurons for speed. skiprows : int Number of skipped first lines Returns ------- None See also -------- sqlite3.connect.cursor, sqlite3.connect """ self.cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS spikes (neuron INT UNSIGNED, time REAL)') tic = now() for f in glob.glob(re): print(f) if sys.version < "3.7": try: for data in self._blockread(f, skiprows): self.cursor.executemany( 'INSERT INTO spikes VALUES (?, ?)', data) self.conn.commit() except RuntimeError: break else: while True: try: for data in self._blockread(f, skiprows): self.cursor.executemany( 'INSERT INTO spikes VALUES (?, ?)', data) self.conn.commit() except RuntimeError: break toc = now() if self.debug: print('Inserts took %g seconds.' % (toc - tic)) # Optionally, create index for speed if index: tic = now() self.cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX neuron_index on spikes (neuron)') toc = now() if self.debug: print('Indexed db in %g seconds.' % (toc - tic))
[docs] def create_from_list(self, re=[], index=True): """ Create db from list of arrays. Parameters ---------- re : list Index of element is cell index, and element `i` an array of spike times in ms. index : bool Create index on neurons for speed. Returns ------- None See also -------- sqlite3.connect.cursor, sqlite3.connect """ self.cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS spikes (neuron INT UNSIGNED, time REAL)') tic = now() i = 0 for x in re: data = list(zip([i] * len(x), x)) self.cursor.executemany('INSERT INTO spikes VALUES (?, ?)', data) i += 1 self.conn.commit() toc = now() if self.debug: print('Inserts took %g seconds.' % (toc - tic)) # Optionally, create index for speed if index: tic = now() self.cursor.execute('CREATE INDEX neuron_index on spikes (neuron)') toc = now() if self.debug: print('Indexed db in %g seconds.' % (toc - tic))
[docs] def select(self, neurons): """ Select spike trains. Parameters ---------- neurons : numpy.ndarray or list Array of list of neurons. Returns ------- list List of numpy.ndarray objects containing spike times. See also -------- sqlite3.connect.cursor """ s = [] for neuron in neurons: self.cursor.execute( 'SELECT time FROM spikes where neuron = %d' % neuron) sel = self.cursor.fetchall() spikes = np.array(sel).flatten() s.append(spikes) return s
[docs] def interval(self, T=[0, 1000]): """ Get all spikes in a time interval T. Parameters ---------- T : list Time interval. Returns ------- s : list Nested list with spike times. See also -------- sqlite3.connect.cursor """ self.cursor.execute( 'SELECT * FROM spikes WHERE time BETWEEN %f AND %f' % tuple(T)) sel = self.cursor.fetchall() return sel
[docs] def select_neurons_interval(self, neurons, T=[0, 1000]): """ Get all spikes from neurons in a time interval T. Parameters ---------- neurons : list network neuron indices T : list Time interval. Returns ---------- s : list Nested list with spike times. See also -------- sqlite3.connect.cursor """ s = [] for neuron in neurons: self.cursor.execute( 'SELECT time FROM spikes WHERE time BETWEEN ' + '%f AND %f and neuron = %d' % (T[0], T[1], neuron)) sel = self.cursor.fetchall() spikes = np.array(sel).flatten() s.append(spikes) return s
[docs] def neurons(self): """ Return list of neuron indices. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- list list of neuron indices See also -------- sqlite3.connect.cursor """ self.cursor.execute( 'SELECT DISTINCT neuron FROM spikes ORDER BY neuron') sel = self.cursor.fetchall() return np.array(sel).flatten()
[docs] def num_spikes(self): """ Return total number of spikes. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- list """ self.cursor.execute('SELECT Count(*) from spikes') rows = self.cursor.fetchall()[0] # Check against 'wc -l *ex*.gdf' if self.debug: print('DB has %d spikes' % rows) return rows
[docs] def close(self): """ Close `sqlite3.connect.cursor` and `sqlite3.connect` objects Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None See also -------- sqlite3.connect.cursor, sqlite3.connect """ self.cursor.close() self.conn.close()
[docs] def plotstuff(self, T=[0, 1000]): """ Create a scatter plot of the contents of the database, with entries on the interval T. Parameters ---------- T : list Time interval. Returns ------- None See also -------- GDF.select_neurons_interval """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) neurons = self.neurons() i = 0 for x in self.select_neurons_interval(neurons, T): ax.plot(x, np.zeros(x.size) + neurons[i], 'o', markersize=1, markerfacecolor='k', markeredgecolor='k', alpha=0.25) i += 1 ax.set_xlabel('time (ms)') ax.set_ylabel('neuron ID') ax.set_xlim(T[0], T[1]) ax.set_ylim(neurons.min(), neurons.max()) ax.set_title('database content on T = [%.0f, %.0f]' % (T[0], T[1]))
def test1(): """ Need have a bunch of gdf files in current directory. Delete old db. """ os.system('rm test.db') # Create db from excitatory files gdb = GDF('test.db', debug=True) gdb.create(re=os.path.join('testing', 'testing-X-0.gdf'), index=True) print(gdb.neurons()) # Get spikes for neurons 1,2,3 spikes =[1, 50]) """ Wont get any spikes for these neurons cause they dont exist""" bad =[100000, 100001]) gdb.close() print(spikes) print(bad) if __name__ == '__main__': # test1() import doctest doctest.testmod()