Source code for hybridLFPy.postproc

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Defines class hybridLFPy.PostProcess for handling simulated output mainly by
class hybridLFPy.Population
import numpy as np
import h5py
import os
import glob
import tarfile
from warnings import warn
from mpi4py import MPI

################# Initialization of MPI stuff ############################
SIZE = COMM.Get_size()
RANK = COMM.Get_rank()

[docs]class PostProcess(object): """ class `PostProcess`: Methods to deal with the contributions of every postsynaptic sub-population. Parameters ---------- y : list Postsynaptic cell-type or population-names. dt_output : float Time resolution of output data. savelist : list List of strings, each corresponding to LFPy.Cell attributes probes : list list of LFPykit.models.* like instances savefolder : str Path to main output folder. mapping_Yy : list List of tuples, each tuple pairing population with cell type, e.g., [('L4E', 'p4'), ('L4E', 'ss4')]. cells_subfolder : str Folder under `savefolder` containing cell output. populations_subfolder : str Folder under `savefolder` containing population specific output. figures_subfolder : str Folder under `savefolder` containing figs. """ def __init__(self, y=['EX', 'IN'], dt_output=1., mapping_Yy=[('EX', 'EX'), ('IN', 'IN')], savelist=['somapos'], probes=[], savefolder='simulation_output_example_brunel', cells_subfolder='cells', populations_subfolder='populations', figures_subfolder='figures', output_file='{}_population_{}', compound_file='{}_sum.h5', ): """ class `PostProcess`: Methods to deal with the contributions of every postsynaptic sub-population. Parameters ---------- y : list List of postsynaptic cell-type or population-names. dt_output : float Time resolution of output data. mapping_Yy : list List of tuples, each tuple pairing population with cell type, e.g., [('L4E', 'p4'), ('L4E', 'ss4')]. savelist : list List of strings, each corresponding to LFPy.Cell attributes probes : list list of LFPykit.models.* like instances savefolder : str Path to main output folder. cells_subfolder : str Folder under `savefolder` containing cell output. populations_subfolder : str Folder under `savefolder` containing population specific output. figures_subfolder : str Folder under `savefolder` containing figs. output_file : str formattable file name for population signals, e.g., '{}_population_{}.h5' compound_file : str formattable file name for population signals, e.g., '{}_sum.h5' """ # set some attributes self.y = y self.dt_output = dt_output self.mapping_Yy = mapping_Yy self.savelist = savelist self.probes = probes self.savefolder = savefolder self.cells_path = os.path.join(savefolder, cells_subfolder) self.populations_path = os.path.join(savefolder, populations_subfolder) self.figures_path = os.path.join(savefolder, figures_subfolder) self.output_file = output_file self.compound_file = compound_file # set up subfolders if RANK == 0: self._set_up_savefolder() else: pass
[docs] def run(self): """ Perform the postprocessing steps, computing compound signals from cell-specific output files. """ if RANK == 0: for probe in self.probes: # sum up contributions of different populations measure = probe.__class__.__name__ datadict, data = self.calc_measure(measure) # save global sum f = h5py.File(os.path.join(self.savefolder, self.compound_file.format(measure) ), 'w') f['srate'] = 1E3 / self.dt_output f.create_dataset('data', data=data, compression=4) f.close() # save per-population contributions for key, value in list(datadict.items()): f = h5py.File(os.path.join( self.populations_path, self.output_file.format(key, '{}.h5'.format(measure))), 'w') f['srate'] = 1E3 / self.dt_output f.create_dataset('data', data=value, compression=4) f.close() # sum up contributions in for cell type y belonging to # population Y Y_datadict = self.calc_measure_layer(datadict, measure) for Y, value in Y_datadict.items(): f = h5py.File( os.path.join(self.populations_path, '{}_population_{}.h5'.format(Y, measure)), 'w') f['data'] = value f['srate'] = 1E3 / self.dt_output f.close() else: pass
# collect matrices with the single cell contributions in parallel # self.collectSingleContribs() def _set_up_savefolder(self): """ Create catalogs for different file output to clean up savefolder. """ if not os.path.isdir(self.cells_path): os.mkdir(self.cells_path) if not os.path.isdir(self.figures_path): os.mkdir(self.figures_path) if not os.path.isdir(self.populations_path): os.mkdir(self.populations_path)
[docs] def calc_measure(self, measure='LFP'): """Sum all the measure contributions from every cell type. Parameters ---------- measure: str 'LFP', 'CSD' or 'current_dipole_moment' Returns ------- measure_dict: dict of ndarray Contributions by each cell type y measure_sum: ndarray Summed contributions of all cell types """ measure_array = np.array([]) measure_dict = {} for i, y in enumerate(self.y): fname = os.path.join( self.populations_path, self.output_file.format(y, '{}.h5'.format(measure))) f = h5py.File(fname, 'r') if i == 0: measure_array = np.zeros((len(self.y),) + f['data'].shape) # fill in measure_array[i, ] = f['data'][()] measure_dict.update({y: f['data'][()]}) f.close() return measure_dict, measure_array.sum(axis=0)
[docs] def calc_measure_layer(self, datadict, measure='LFP'): """ Calculate the measure from concatenated subpopulations residing in a certain layer, e.g all L4E pops are summed, according to the `mapping_Yy` attribute of the `hybridLFPy.Population` objects. Parameters ---------- datadict: dict measure: str Returns ------- measure_dict: dict of ndarray Contributions by each subpopulation Y """ measure_dict = {} lastY = None for Y, y in self.mapping_Yy: if lastY != Y: try: measure_dict.update({Y: datadict[y]}) except KeyError: pass else: try: measure_dict[Y] += datadict[y] except KeyError: pass lastY = Y return measure_dict
[docs] def create_tar_archive(self): """Create a tar archive of the main simulation outputs. """ # file filter EXCLUDE_FILES = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.savefolder, 'cells')) EXCLUDE_FILES += glob.glob(os.path.join(self.savefolder, 'populations', 'subsamples')) EXCLUDE_FILES += glob.glob(os.path.join(self.savefolder, 'raw_nest_output')) def filter_function(tarinfo): print( if len([f for f in EXCLUDE_FILES if os.path.split([-1] in os.path.split(f)[-1]]) > 0 or \ len([f for f in EXCLUDE_FILES if os.path.split(tarinfo.path)[-1] in os.path.split(f)[-1]]) > 0: print('excluding %s' % return None else: return tarinfo if RANK == 0: print('creating archive %s' % (self.savefolder + '.tar')) # open file f = + '.tar', 'w') # avoid adding files to repo as /scratch/$USER/hybrid_model/... arcname = os.path.split(self.savefolder)[-1] f.add(name=self.savefolder, arcname=arcname, filter=filter_function) f.close() # resync COMM.Barrier()