Source code for hybridLFPy.helpers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This is a script containing general helper functions.

import numpy as np
import os
import stat
import shutil
import copy
import h5py
from mpi4py import MPI

# Initialization of MPI stuff     #
SIZE = COMM.Get_size()
RANK = COMM.Get_rank()

### DATA I/O                        ###

[docs]def read_gdf(fname, skiprows=0): """ Fast line-by-line gdf-file reader. Parameters ---------- fname : str Path to gdf-file. skiprows : int number of skipped rows Returns ------- numpy.ndarray ([gid, val0, val1, **]), dtype=object) mixed datatype array """ gdf_file = open(fname, 'r') gdf = [] for i, l in enumerate(gdf_file): if i < skiprows: continue data = l.split() gdf += [data] gdf = np.array(gdf, dtype=object) if gdf.size > 0: gdf[:, 0] = gdf[:, 0].astype(int) gdf[:, 1:] = gdf[:, 1:].astype(float) return np.array(gdf)
[docs]def write_gdf(gdf, fname): """ Fast line-by-line gdf-file write function Parameters ---------- gdf : numpy.ndarray Column 0 is gids, columns 1: are values. fname : str Path to gdf-file. Returns ------- None """ gdf_file = open(fname, 'w') for line in gdf: for i in np.arange(len(line)): gdf_file.write(str(line[i]) + '\t') gdf_file.write('\n') return None
[docs]def load_h5_data(path='', data_type='LFP', y=None, electrode=None, warmup=0., scaling=1.): """ Function loading results from hdf5 file Parameters ---------- path : str Path to hdf5-file data_type : str Signal types in ['CSD' , 'LFP', 'CSDsum', 'LFPsum']. y : None or str Name of population. electrode : None or int TODO: update, electrode is NOT USED warmup : float Lower cutoff of time series to remove possible transients scaling : float, Scaling factor for population size that determines the amount of loaded single-cell signals Returns ---------- numpy.ndarray [electrode id, compound signal] if `y` is None numpy.ndarray [cell id, electrode, single-cell signal] otherwise """ assert y is not None or electrode is not None if y is not None: f = h5py.File(os.path.join(path, '%s_%ss.h5' % (y, data_type))) data = f['data'][()][:, :, warmup:] if scaling != 1.: np.random.shuffle(data) num_cells = int(len(data) * scaling) data = data[:num_cells, :, warmup:] else: f = h5py.File(os.path.join(path, '%ssum.h5' % data_type)) data = f['data'][()][:, warmup:] return data
[docs]def dump_dict_of_nested_lists_to_h5(fname, data): """ Take nested list structure and dump it in hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename data : dict(list(numpy.ndarray)) Dict of nested lists with variable len arrays. Returns ------- None """ # Open file print('writing to file: %s' % fname) f = h5py.File(fname) # Iterate over values for i, ivalue in list(data.items()): igrp = f.create_group(str(i)) for j, jvalue in enumerate(ivalue): jgrp = igrp.create_group(str(j)) for k, kvalue in enumerate(jvalue): if kvalue.size > 0: dset = jgrp.create_dataset(str(k), data=kvalue, compression='gzip') else: dset = jgrp.create_dataset(str(k), data=kvalue, maxshape=(None, ), compression='gzip') # Close file f.close()
[docs]def load_dict_of_nested_lists_from_h5(fname, toplevelkeys=None): """ Load nested list structure from hdf5 file Parameters ---------- fname : str Filename toplevelkeys : None or iterable, Load a two(default) or three-layered structure. Returns ------- dict(list(numpy.ndarray)) dictionary of nested lists with variable length array data. """ # Container: data = {} # Open file object f = h5py.File(fname, 'r') # Iterate over partial dataset if toplevelkeys is not None: for i in toplevelkeys: ivalue = f[str(i)] data[i] = [] for j, jvalue in enumerate(ivalue.values()): data[int(i)].append([]) for k, kvalue in enumerate(jvalue.values()): data[i][j].append(kvalue.value) else: for i, ivalue in list(f.items()): i = int(i) data[i] = [] for j, jvalue in enumerate(ivalue.values()): data[i].append([]) for k, kvalue in enumerate(jvalue.values()): data[i][j].append(kvalue.value) # Close dataset f.close() return data
[docs]def setup_file_dest(params, clearDestination=True): """ Function to set up the file catalog structure for simulation output Parameters ---------- params : object e.g., `cellsim16popsParams.multicompartment_params()` clear_dest : bool Savefolder will be cleared if already existing. Returns ------- None """ if RANK == 0: if not os.path.isdir(params.savefolder): os.mkdir(params.savefolder) assert(os.path.isdir(params.savefolder)) else: if clearDestination: print('removing folder tree %s' % params.savefolder) while os.path.isdir(params.savefolder): try: os.system('find %s -delete' % params.savefolder) except BaseException: shutil.rmtree(params.savefolder) os.mkdir(params.savefolder) assert(os.path.isdir(params.savefolder)) if not os.path.isdir(params.sim_scripts_path): print('creating %s' % params.sim_scripts_path) os.mkdir(params.sim_scripts_path) if not os.path.isdir(params.cells_path): print('creating %s' % params.cells_path) os.mkdir(params.cells_path) if not os.path.isdir(params.figures_path): print('creating %s' % params.figures_path) os.mkdir(params.figures_path) if not os.path.isdir(params.populations_path): print('creating %s' % params.populations_path) os.mkdir(params.populations_path) try: if not os.path.isdir(params.raw_nest_output_path): print('creating %s' % params.raw_nest_output_path) os.mkdir(params.raw_nest_output_path) except BaseException: pass if not os.path.isdir(params.spike_output_path): print('creating %s' % params.spike_output_path) os.mkdir(params.spike_output_path) for f in ['', '', '', '', 'mesocircuit.sli', '', 'binzegger_connectivity_table.json', '', 'microcircuit.sli']: if os.path.isfile(f): if not os.path.exists( os.path.join( params.sim_scripts_path, f)): print( 'copying {} as {}'.format( f, os.path.join( params.sim_scripts_path, f))) shutil.copy(f, os.path.join(params.sim_scripts_path, f)) os.chmod(os.path.join(params.sim_scripts_path, f), stat.S_IREAD) print('done preparing file destinations') COMM.Barrier()
####################################### ### GENERAL ### #######################################
[docs]def calculate_fft(data, tbin): """ Function to calculate the Fourier transform of data. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray 1D or 2D array containing time series. tbin : float Bin size of time series (in ms). Returns ------- freqs : numpy.ndarray Frequency axis of signal in Fourier space. fft : numpy.ndarray Signal in Fourier space. """ if len(np.shape(data)) > 1: n = len(data[0]) return np.fft.fftfreq(n, tbin * 1e-3), np.fft.fft(data, axis=1) else: n = len(data) return np.fft.fftfreq(n, tbin * 1e-3), np.fft.fft(data)
####################################### ### DATA MANIPULATION ### #######################################
[docs]def centralize(data, time=False, units=False): """ Function to subtract the mean across time and/or across units from data Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray 1D or 2D array containing time series, 1st index: unit, 2nd index: time time : bool True: subtract mean across time. units : bool True: subtract mean across units. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray 1D or 0D array of centralized signal. """ assert(time is not False or units is not False) res = copy.copy(data) if time is True: res = np.array([x - np.mean(x) for x in res]) if units is True: res = np.array(res - np.mean(res, axis=0)) return res
[docs]def normalize(data): """ Function to normalize data to have mean 0 and unity standard deviation (also called z-transform) Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Returns ------- numpy.ndarray z-transform of input array """ data = data.astype(float) data -= data.mean() return data / data.std()
####################################### ### FILTER ### #######################################
[docs]def movav(y, Dx, dx): """ Moving average rectangular window filter: calculate average of signal y by using sliding rectangular window of size Dx using binsize dx Parameters ---------- y : numpy.ndarray Signal Dx : float Window length of filter. dx : float Bin size of signal sampling. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Filtered signal. """ if Dx <= dx: return y else: ly = len(y) r = np.zeros(ly) n = / dx))) r[ / 2.)] = 1.0 / n r[ / 2.)::] = 1.0 / n R = np.fft.fft(r) Y = np.fft.fft(y) yf = np.fft.ifft(Y * R) return yf
####################################### ### CORRELATION ANALYSIS ### #######################################
[docs]def mean(data, units=False, time=False): """ Function to compute mean of data Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray 1st axis unit, 2nd axis time units : bool Average over units time : bool Average over time Returns ------- if units=False and time=False: error if units=True: 1 dim numpy.ndarray; time series if time=True: 1 dim numpy.ndarray; series of unit means across time if units=True and time=True: float; unit and time mean Examples -------- >>> mean(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]), units=True) array([ 2.5, 3.5, 4.5]) >>> mean(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]), time=True) array([ 2., 5.]) >>> mean(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]), units=True,time=True) 3.5 """ assert(units is not False or time is not False) if units is True and time is False: return np.mean(data, axis=0) elif units is False and time is True: return np.mean(data, axis=1) elif units is True and time is True: return np.mean(data)
[docs]def compound_mean(data): """ Compute the mean of the compound/sum signal. Data is first summed across units and averaged across time. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray 1st axis unit, 2nd axis time Returns ------- float time-averaged compound/sum signal Examples -------- >>> compound_mean(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])) 7.0 """ return np.mean(np.sum(data, axis=0))
[docs]def variance(data, units=False, time=False): """ Compute the variance of data across time, units or both. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray 1st axis unit, 2nd axis time. units : bool Variance across units time : bool Average over time Returns ---------- if units=False and time=False: Exception if units=True: 1 dim numpy.ndarray; time series if time=True: 1 dim numpy.ndarray; series of single unit variances across time if units=True and time=True: float; mean of single unit variances across time Examples ---------- >>> variance(np.array([[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]]), units=True) array([ 2.25, 2.25, 2.25]) >>> variance(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]), time=True) array([ 0.66666667, 0.66666667]) >>> variance(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]), units=True, time=True) 0.66666666666666663 """ assert(units is not False or time is not False) if units is True and time is False: return np.var(data, axis=0) elif units is False and time is True: return np.var(data, axis=1) elif units is True and time is True: return np.mean(np.var(data, axis=1))
[docs]def compound_variance(data): """ Compute the variance of the compound/sum signal. Data is first summed across units, then the variance across time is calculated. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray 1st axis unit, 2nd axis time Returns ------- float variance across time of compound/sum signal Examples -------- >>> compound_variance(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])) 2.6666666666666665 """ return np.var(np.sum(data, axis=0))
[docs]def powerspec(data, tbin, Df=None, units=False, pointProcess=False): """ Calculate (smoothed) power spectra of all timeseries in data. If units=True, power spectra are averaged across units. Note that averaging is done on power spectra rather than data. If pointProcess is True, power spectra are normalized by the length T of the time series. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray 1st axis unit, 2nd axis time. tbin : float Binsize in ms. Df : float/None, Window width of sliding rectangular filter (smoothing), None is no smoothing. units : bool Average power spectrum. pointProcess : bool If set to True, powerspectrum is normalized to signal length T. Returns ------- freq : tuple numpy.ndarray of frequencies. POW : tuple if units=False: 2 dim numpy.ndarray; 1st axis unit, 2nd axis frequency if units=True: 1 dim numpy.ndarray; frequency series Examples -------- >>> powerspec(np.array([analog_sig1, analog_sig2]), tbin, Df=Df) Out[1]: (freq,POW) >>> POW.shape Out[2]: (2,len(analog_sig1)) >>> powerspec(np.array([analog_sig1, analog_sig2]), tbin, Df=Df, units=True) Out[1]: (freq,POW) >>> POW.shape Out[2]: (len(analog_sig1),) """ freq, DATA = calculate_fft(data, tbin) df = freq[1] - freq[0] T = tbin * len(freq) POW = np.abs(DATA) ** 2 if Df is not None: POW = [movav(x, Df, df) for x in POW] cut = int(Df / df) freq = freq[cut:] POW = np.array([x[cut:] for x in POW]) POW = np.abs(POW) assert(len(freq) == len(POW[0])) if units is True: POW = mean(POW, units=units) assert(len(freq) == len(POW)) if pointProcess: POW *= 1. / T * 1e3 # Normalization, power independent of T return freq, POW
[docs]def compound_powerspec(data, tbin, Df=None, pointProcess=False): """ Calculate the power spectrum of the compound/sum signal. data is first summed across units, then the power spectrum is calculated. If pointProcess=True, power spectra are normalized by the length T of the time series. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray, 1st axis unit, 2nd axis time tbin : float, binsize in ms Df : float/None, window width of sliding rectangular filter (smoothing), None -> no smoothing pointProcess : bool, if set to True, powerspectrum is normalized to signal length T Returns ------- freq : tuple numpy.ndarray of frequencies POW : tuple 1 dim numpy.ndarray, frequency series Examples -------- >>> compound_powerspec(np.array([analog_sig1, analog_sig2]), tbin, Df=Df) Out[1]: (freq,POW) >>> POW.shape Out[2]: (len(analog_sig1),) """ return powerspec([np.sum(data, axis=0)], tbin, Df=Df, units=True, pointProcess=pointProcess)
[docs]def crossspec(data, tbin, Df=None, units=False, pointProcess=False): """ Calculate (smoothed) cross spectra of data. If `units`=True, cross spectra are averaged across units. Note that averaging is done on cross spectra rather than data. Cross spectra are normalized by the length T of the time series -> no scaling with T. If pointProcess=True, power spectra are normalized by the length T of the time series. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray, 1st axis unit, 2nd axis time tbin : float, binsize in ms Df : float/None, window width of sliding rectangular filter (smoothing), None -> no smoothing units : bool, average cross spectrum pointProcess : bool, if set to True, cross spectrum is normalized to signal length T Returns ------- freq : tuple numpy.ndarray of frequencies CRO : tuple if `units`=True: 1 dim numpy.ndarray; frequency series if `units`=False:3 dim numpy.ndarray; 1st axis first unit, 2nd axis second unit, 3rd axis frequency Examples -------- >>> crossspec(np.array([analog_sig1, analog_sig2]), tbin, Df=Df) Out[1]: (freq,CRO) >>> CRO.shape Out[2]: (2,2,len(analog_sig1)) >>> crossspec(np.array([analog_sig1, analog_sig2]), tbin, Df=Df, units=True) Out[1]: (freq,CRO) >>> CRO.shape Out[2]: (len(analog_sig1),) """ N = len(data) if units is True: # smoothing and normalization take place in powerspec # and compound_powerspec freq, POW = powerspec(data, tbin, Df=Df, units=True) freq_com, CPOW = compound_powerspec(data, tbin, Df=Df) assert(len(freq) == len(freq_com)) assert(np.min(freq) == np.min(freq_com)) assert(np.max(freq) == np.max(freq_com)) CRO = 1. / (1. * N * (N - 1.)) * (CPOW - 1. * N * POW) assert(len(freq) == len(CRO)) else: freq, DATA = calculate_fft(data, tbin) T = tbin * len(freq) df = freq[1] - freq[0] if Df is not None: cut = int(Df / df) freq = freq[cut:] CRO = np.zeros((N, N, len(freq)), dtype=complex) for i in range(N): for j in range(i + 1): tempij = DATA[i] * DATA[j].conj() if Df is not None: tempij = movav(tempij, Df, df)[cut:] CRO[i, j] = tempij CRO[j, i] = CRO[i, j].conj() assert(len(freq) == len(CRO[0, 0])) if pointProcess: CRO *= 1. / T * 1e3 # normalization return freq, CRO
[docs]def compound_crossspec(a_data, tbin, Df=None, pointProcess=False): """ Calculate cross spectra of compound signals. a_data is a list of datasets (a_data = [data1,data2,...]). For each dataset in a_data, the compound signal is calculated and the crossspectra between these compound signals is computed. If pointProcess=True, power spectra are normalized by the length T of the time series. Parameters ---------- a_data : list of numpy.ndarrays Array: 1st axis unit, 2nd axis time. tbin : float Binsize in ms. Df : float/None, Window width of sliding rectangular filter (smoothing), None -> no smoothing. pointProcess : bool If set to True, crossspectrum is normalized to signal length `T` Returns ------- freq : tuple numpy.ndarray of frequencies. CRO : tuple 3 dim numpy.ndarray; 1st axis first compound signal, 2nd axis second compound signal, 3rd axis frequency. Examples -------- >>> compound_crossspec([np.array([analog_sig1, analog_sig2]), np.array([analog_sig3,analog_sig4])], tbin, Df=Df) Out[1]: (freq,CRO) >>> CRO.shape Out[2]: (2,2,len(analog_sig1)) """ a_mdata = [] for data in a_data: a_mdata.append(np.sum(data, axis=0)) # calculate compound signals return crossspec(np.array(a_mdata), tbin, Df, units=False, pointProcess=pointProcess)
[docs]def autocorrfunc(freq, power): """ Calculate autocorrelation function(s) for given power spectrum/spectra. Parameters ---------- freq : numpy.ndarray 1 dimensional array of frequencies. power : numpy.ndarray 2 dimensional power spectra, 1st axis units, 2nd axis frequencies. Returns ------- time : tuple 1 dim numpy.ndarray of times. autof : tuple 2 dim numpy.ndarray; autocorrelation functions, 1st axis units, 2nd axis times. """ tbin = 1. / (2. * np.max(freq)) * 1e3 # tbin in ms time = np.arange(-len(freq) / 2. + 1, len(freq) / 2. + 1) * tbin # T = max(time) multidata = False if len(np.shape(power)) > 1: multidata = True if multidata: N = len(power) autof = np.zeros((N, len(freq))) for i in range(N): raw_autof = np.real(np.fft.ifft(power[i])) mid = int(len(raw_autof) / 2.) autof[i] = np.hstack([raw_autof[mid + 1:], raw_autof[:mid + 1]]) assert(len(time) == len(autof[0])) else: raw_autof = np.real(np.fft.ifft(power)) mid = int(len(raw_autof) / 2.) autof = np.hstack([raw_autof[mid + 1:], raw_autof[:mid + 1]]) assert(len(time) == len(autof)) # autof *= T*1e-3 # normalization is done in powerspec() return time, autof
[docs]def crosscorrfunc(freq, cross): """ Calculate crosscorrelation function(s) for given cross spectra. Parameters ---------- freq : numpy.ndarray 1 dimensional array of frequencies. cross : numpy.ndarray 2 dimensional array of cross spectra, 1st axis units, 2nd axis units, 3rd axis frequencies. Returns ------- time : tuple 1 dim numpy.ndarray of times. crossf : tuple 3 dim numpy.ndarray, crosscorrelation functions, 1st axis first unit, 2nd axis second unit, 3rd axis times. """ tbin = 1. / (2. * np.max(freq)) * 1e3 # tbin in ms time = np.arange(-len(freq) / 2. + 1, len(freq) / 2. + 1) * tbin # T = max(time) multidata = False # check whether cross contains many cross spectra if len(np.shape(cross)) > 1: multidata = True if multidata: N = len(cross) crossf = np.zeros((N, N, len(freq))) for i in range(N): for j in range(N): raw_crossf = np.real(np.fft.ifft(cross[i, j])) mid = int(len(raw_crossf) / 2.) crossf[i, j] = np.hstack( [raw_crossf[mid + 1:], raw_crossf[:mid + 1]]) assert(len(time) == len(crossf[0, 0])) else: raw_crossf = np.real(np.fft.ifft(cross)) mid = int(len(raw_crossf) / 2.) crossf = np.hstack([raw_crossf[mid + 1:], raw_crossf[:mid + 1]]) assert(len(time) == len(crossf)) # crossf *= T*1e-3 # normalization happens in cross spectrum return time, crossf
[docs]def corrcoef(time, crossf, integration_window=0.): """ Calculate the correlation coefficient for given auto- and crosscorrelation functions. Standard settings yield the zero lag correlation coefficient. Setting integration_window > 0 yields the correlation coefficient of integrated auto- and crosscorrelation functions. The correlation coefficient between a zero signal with any other signal is defined as 0. Parameters ---------- time : numpy.ndarray 1 dim array of times corresponding to signal. crossf : numpy.ndarray Crosscorrelation functions, 1st axis first unit, 2nd axis second unit, 3rd axis times. integration_window: float Size of the integration window. Returns ------- cc : numpy.ndarray 2 dim array of correlation coefficient between two units. """ N = len(crossf) cc = np.zeros(np.shape(crossf)[:-1]) tbin = abs(time[1] - time[0]) lim = int(integration_window / tbin) if len(time) % 2 == 0: mid = len(time) / 2 - 1 else: mid = np.floor(len(time) / 2.) for i in range(N): ai = np.sum(crossf[i, i][mid - lim:mid + lim + 1]) offset_autoi = np.mean(crossf[i, i][:mid - 1]) for j in range(N): cij = np.sum(crossf[i, j][mid - lim:mid + lim + 1]) offset_cross = np.mean(crossf[i, j][:mid - 1]) aj = np.sum(crossf[j, j][mid - lim:mid + lim + 1]) offset_autoj = np.mean(crossf[j, j][:mid - 1]) if ai > 0. and aj > 0.: cc[i, j] = (cij - offset_cross) / np.sqrt((ai - offset_autoi) * (aj - offset_autoj)) else: cc[i, j] = 0. return cc
[docs]def coherence(freq, power, cross): """ Calculate frequency resolved coherence for given power- and crossspectra. Parameters ---------- freq : numpy.ndarray Frequencies, 1 dim array. power : numpy.ndarray Power spectra, 1st axis units, 2nd axis frequencies. cross : numpy.ndarray, Cross spectra, 1st axis units, 2nd axis units, 3rd axis frequencies. Returns ------- freq: tuple 1 dim numpy.ndarray of frequencies. coh: tuple ndim 3 numpy.ndarray of coherences, 1st axis units, 2nd axis units, 3rd axis frequencies. """ N = len(power) coh = np.zeros(np.shape(cross)) for i in range(N): for j in range(N): coh[i, j] = cross[i, j] / np.sqrt(power[i] * power[j]) assert(len(freq) == len(coh[0, 0])) return freq, coh
[docs]def cv(data, units=False): """ Calculate coefficient of variation (cv) of data. Mean and standard deviation are computed across time. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray 1st axis unit, 2nd axis time. units : bool Average `cv`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray If units=False, series of unit `cv`s. float If units=True, mean `cv` across units. Examples -------- >>> cv(np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [11, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5]])) array([ 0.48795004, 0.63887656]) >>> cv(np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [11, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5]]), units=True) 0.56341330073710316 """ mu = mean(data, time=True) var = variance(data, time=True) cv = np.sqrt(var) / mu if units is True: return np.mean(cv) else: return cv
[docs]def fano(data, units=False): """ Calculate fano factor (FF) of data. Mean and variance are computed across time. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray 1st axis unit, 2nd axis time. units : bool Average `FF`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray If units=False, series of unit FFs. float If units=True, mean FF across units. Examples -------- >>> fano(np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [11, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5]])) array([ 0.83333333, 1.9047619 ]) >>> fano(np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [11, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5]]), units=True) 1.3690476190476191 """ mu = mean(data, time=True) var = variance(data, time=True) ff = var / mu if units is True: return np.mean(ff) else: return ff
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()