Source code for hybridLFPy.cachednetworks

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Cached networks to use with the population classes, as the only
variables being used is "nodes_ex" and "nodes_in" VERSION THAT WORKS.
import numpy as np
import os
from glob import glob
if 'DISPLAY' not in os.environ:
    import matplotlib
from .gdf import GDF
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
from mpi4py import MPI

################# Initialization of MPI stuff ############################
SIZE = COMM.Get_size()
RANK = COMM.Get_rank()

############## Functions #################################################

def remove_axis_junk(ax, which=['right', 'top']):
    Remove axis lines from axes object that exist in list which.

    ax : `matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot` object
    which : list of str
        Entries in ['right', 'top', 'bottom', 'left'].


    for loc, spine in ax.spines.items():
        if loc in which:

################ Classes #################################################

[docs]class CachedNetwork(object): """ Offline processing and storing of network spike events, used by other class objects in the package hybridLFPy. Parameters ---------- simtime : float Simulation duration. dt : float, Simulation timestep size. spike_output_path : str Path to gdf/dat-files with spikes. label : str Prefix of spiking gdf/dat-files. ext : str File extension of gdf/dat-files. GIDs : dict dictionary keys are population names and value a list of length 2 with first GID in population and population size X : list names of each network population autocollect : bool If True, class init will process gdf/dat files. cmap : str Name of colormap, must be in `dir(`. Returns ------- `hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNetwork` object See also -------- CachedFixedSpikesNetwork, CachedNoiseNetwork """ def __init__(self, simtime=1000., dt=0.1, spike_output_path='spike_output_path', label='spikes', ext='gdf', GIDs={'EX': [1, 400], 'IN': [401, 100]}, X=['EX', 'IN'], autocollect=True, skiprows=0, cmap='Dark2', ): """ Offline processing and storing of network spike events, used by other class objects in the package `hybridLFPy`. Parameters ---------- simtime : float Simulation duration. dt : float Simulation timestep size. spike_output_path : str Path to gdf-files with spikes. label : str Prefix of spiking gdf-files. ext : str File extension of gdf-files. GIDs : dict dictionary keys are population names and item a list with first GID in population and population size X : list names of each network population autocollect : bool If True, class init will process gdf files. skiprows : int Number of skipped first lines cmap : str Name of colormap, must be in dir( Returns ------- `hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNetwork` object See also -------- CachedFixedSpikesNetwork, CachedNoiseNetwork """ # Set some attributes self.simtime = simtime self.dt = dt self.spike_output_path = spike_output_path self.label = label self.ext = ext self.dbname = ':memory:' self.GIDs = GIDs self.X = X self.autocollect = autocollect self.skiprows = skiprows # Create a dictionary of nodes with proper layernames self.nodes = {} for X in self.X: self.nodes[X] = np.arange(self.GIDs[X][1]) + self.GIDs[X][0] # list population sizes self.N_X = np.array([self.GIDs[X][1] for X in self.X]) if self.autocollect: # collect the gdf files self.collect_gdf() # Specify some plot colors used for each population: if 'TC' in self.X: numcolors = len(self.X) - 1 else: numcolors = len(self.X) self.colors = [] for i in range(numcolors): self.colors += [plt.get_cmap(cmap, numcolors)(i)] if 'TC' in self.X: self.colors = ['k'] + self.colors
[docs] def collect_gdf(self): """ Collect the gdf-files from network sim in folder `spike_output_path` into sqlite database, using the GDF-class. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ # Resync COMM.Barrier() # Raise Exception if there are no gdf files to be read if len(glob(os.path.join(self.spike_output_path, self.label + '*.' + self.ext))) == 0: raise Exception( 'path to files contain no {}-files!'.format(self.ext)) # create in-memory databases of spikes if not hasattr(self, 'dbs'): self.dbs = {} for X in self.X: db = GDF(os.path.join(self.dbname), debug=True, new_db=True) db.create(re=os.path.join(self.spike_output_path, '{0}*{1}*{2}'.format(self.label, X, self.ext)), index=True, skiprows=self.skiprows) self.dbs.update({ X: db }) COMM.Barrier()
[docs] def get_xy(self, xlim, fraction=1.): """ Get pairs of node units and spike trains on specific time interval. Parameters ---------- xlim : list of floats Spike time interval, e.g., [0., 1000.]. fraction : float in [0, 1.] If less than one, sample a fraction of nodes in random order. Returns ------- x : dict In `x` key-value entries are population name and neuron spike times. y : dict Where in `y` key-value entries are population name and neuron gid number. """ x = {} y = {} for X, nodes in self.nodes.items(): x[X] = np.array([]) y[X] = np.array([]) if fraction != 1: nodes = sorted( np.random.permutation(nodes)[ :int( nodes.size * fraction)]) spiketimes = self.dbs[X].select_neurons_interval(nodes, T=xlim) i = 0 for times in spiketimes: x[X] = np.r_[x[X], times] y[X] = np.r_[y[X], np.zeros(times.size) + nodes[i]] i += 1 return x, y
[docs] def plot_raster(self, ax, xlim, x, y, pop_names=False, markersize=20., alpha=1., legend=True, marker='o', rasterized=True): """ Plot network raster plot in subplot object. Parameters ---------- ax : `matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot` object plot axes xlim : list List of floats. Spike time interval, e.g., [0., 1000.]. x : dict Key-value entries are population name and neuron spike times. y : dict Key-value entries are population name and neuron gid number. pop_names: bool If True, show population names on yaxis instead of gid number. markersize : float raster plot marker size alpha : float in [0, 1] transparency of marker legend : bool Switch on axes legends. marker : str marker symbol for matplotlib.pyplot.plot rasterized : bool if True, the scatter plot will be treated as a bitmap embedded in pdf file output Returns ------- None """ yoffset = [sum(self.N_X) if X == 'TC' else 0 for X in self.X] for i, X in enumerate(self.X): if y[X].size > 0: ax.plot( x[X], y[X] + yoffset[i], marker, markersize=markersize, mfc=self.colors[i], mec='none' if marker in '.ov><v^1234sp*hHDd' else self.colors[i], alpha=alpha, label=X, rasterized=rasterized, clip_on=True) # don't draw anything for the may-be-quiet TC population N_X_sum = 0 for i, X in enumerate(self.X): if y[X].size > 0: N_X_sum += self.N_X[i] ax.axis([xlim[0], xlim[1], self.GIDs[self.X[0]][0], self.GIDs[self.X[0]][0] + N_X_sum]) ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) ax.set_ylabel('cell id', labelpad=0) ax.set_xlabel('$t$ (ms)', labelpad=0) if legend: ax.legend() if pop_names: yticks = [] yticklabels = [] for i, X in enumerate(self.X): if y[X] != []: yticks.append(y[X].mean() + yoffset[i]) yticklabels.append(self.X[i]) ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) # Add some horizontal lines separating the populations for i, X in enumerate(self.X): if y[X].size > 0: ax.plot([xlim[0], xlim[1]], [y[X].max() + yoffset[i], y[X].max() + yoffset[i]], 'k', lw=0.25)
[docs] def plot_f_rate( self, ax, X, i, xlim, x, y, binsize=1, yscale='linear', plottype='fill_between', show_label=False, rasterized=False): """ Plot network firing rate plot in subplot object. Parameters ---------- ax : `matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot` object. X : str Population name. i : int Population index in class attribute `X`. xlim : list of floats Spike time interval, e.g., [0., 1000.]. x : dict Key-value entries are population name and neuron spike times. y : dict Key-value entries are population name and neuron gid number. yscale : 'str' Linear, log, or symlog y-axes in rate plot. plottype : str plot type string in `['fill_between', 'bar']` show_label : bool whether or not to show labels Returns ------- None """ bins = np.arange(xlim[0], xlim[1] + binsize, binsize) (hist, bins) = np.histogram(x[X], bins=bins) if plottype == 'fill_between': ax.fill_between(bins[:-1], hist * 1000. / self.N_X[i], color=self.colors[i], lw=0.5, label=X, rasterized=rasterized, clip_on=False) ax.plot(bins[:-1], hist * 1000. / self.N_X[i], color='k', lw=0.5, label=X, rasterized=rasterized, clip_on=False) elif plottype == 'bar':[:-1], hist * 1000. / self.N_X[i], color=self.colors[i], label=X, rasterized=rasterized, linewidth=0.25, width=0.9, clip_on=False) else: mssg = "plottype={} not in ['fill_between', 'bar']".format( plottype) raise Exception(mssg) remove_axis_junk(ax) ax.axis(ax.axis('tight')) ax.set_yscale(yscale) ax.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1]) if show_label: ax.text(xlim[0] + .05 * (xlim[1] - xlim[0]), ax.axis()[3] * 1.5, X, va='center', ha='left')
[docs] def raster_plots(self, xlim=[0, 1000], markersize=1, alpha=1., marker='o'): """ Pretty plot of the spiking output of each population as raster and rate. Parameters ---------- xlim : list List of floats. Spike time interval, e.g., `[0., 1000.]`. markersize : float marker size for plot, see `matplotlib.pyplot.plot` alpha : float transparency for markers, see `matplotlib.pyplot.plot` marker : :mod:`A valid marker style <matplotlib.markers>` Returns ------- fig : `matplotlib.figure.Figure` object """ x, y = self.get_xy(xlim) fig = plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.12, hspace=0.15) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211) self.plot_raster(ax0, xlim, x, y, markersize=markersize, alpha=alpha, marker=marker) remove_axis_junk(ax0) ax0.set_title('spike raster') ax0.set_xlabel("") nrows = len(self.X) bottom = np.linspace(0.1, 0.45, nrows + 1)[::-1][1:] thickn = np.abs(np.diff(bottom))[0] * 0.9 for i, layer in enumerate(self.X): ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.12, bottom[i], 0.78, thickn]) self.plot_f_rate(ax1, layer, i, xlim, x, y, ) if i == nrows - 1: ax1.set_xlabel('time (ms)') else: ax1.set_xticklabels([]) if i == 4: ax1.set_ylabel(r'population rates ($s^{-1}$)') if i == 0: ax1.set_title(r'population firing rates ($s^{-1}$)') return fig
[docs]class CachedFixedSpikesNetwork(CachedNetwork): """ Subclass of CachedNetwork. Fake nest output, where each cell in a subpopulation spike simultaneously, and each subpopulation is activated at times given in kwarg activationtimes. Parameters ---------- activationtimes : list of floats Each entry set spike times of all cells in each population autocollect : bool whether or not to automatically gather gdf file output **kwargs : see parent class `hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNetwork` Returns ------- `hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedFixedSpikesNetwork` object See also -------- CachedNetwork, CachedNoiseNetwork, """ def __init__( self, activationtimes=[ 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000], autocollect=False, **kwargs): """ Subclass of CachedNetwork Fake nest output, where each cell in a subpopulation spike simultaneously, and each subpopulation is activated at times given in kwarg activationtimes. Parameters ---------- activationtimes : list Each entry set spike times of all cells in each population autocollect : bool whether or not to automatically gather gdf file output **kwargs : see parent class `hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNetwork` Returns ------- `hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedFixedSpikesNetwork` object See also -------- CachedNetwork, CachedNoiseNetwork, """ CachedNetwork.__init__(self, autocollect=autocollect, **kwargs) # Set some attributes self.activationtimes = activationtimes if len(activationtimes) != len(self.N_X): raise Exception('len(activationtimes != len(self.N_X))') """ Create a dictionary of nodes with proper layernames self.nodes = {}. """ if RANK == 0: for i, N in enumerate(self.N_X): nodes = self.nodes[self.X[i]] cell_spt = list(zip(nodes, [self.activationtimes[i] for x in range(nodes.size)])) cell_spt = np.array(cell_spt, dtype=[('a', int), ('b', float)]) np.savetxt( os.path.join( self.spike_output_path, self.label + '_{}.{}'.format( self.X[i], self.ext)), cell_spt, fmt=[ '%i', '%.1f']) # Resync COMM.barrier() # Collect the gdf files self.collect_gdf()
[docs]class CachedNoiseNetwork(CachedNetwork): """ Subclass of CachedNetwork. Use Nest to generate N_X poisson-generators each with rate frate, and record every vector, and create database with spikes. Parameters ---------- frate : list Rate of each layer, may be tuple (onset, rate, offset) autocollect : bool whether or not to automatically gather gdf file output **kwargs : see parent class `hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNetwork` Returns ------- `hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNoiseNetwork` object See also -------- CachedNetwork, CachedFixedSpikesNetwork """ def __init__(self, frate=dict(EX=5., IN=10.), autocollect=False, **kwargs): """ Subclass of `CachedNetwork`. Use Nest to generate N_X poisson-generators each with rate frate, and record every vector, and create database with spikes. Parameters ---------- frate : dict Rate of each layer, value may be tuple (onset, rate, offset). autocollect : bool whether or not to automatically gather gdf file output **kwargs : see parent class `hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNetwork` Returns ------- `hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNoiseNetwork` object See also -------- CachedNetwork, CachedFixedSpikesNetwork """ CachedNetwork.__init__(self, autocollect=autocollect, **kwargs) """ Putting import nest here, avoid making `nest` a mandatory `hybridLFPy` dependency. """ import nest # set some attributes: self.frate = frate if len(self.frate.keys()) != self.N_X.size: raise Exception('self.frate.keys().size != self.N_X.size') self.total_num_virtual_procs = SIZE # Reset nest kernel and set some kernel status variables, destroy old # nodes etc in the process nest.ResetKernel() # if dt is in powers of two, dt must be multiple of ms_per_tic if self.dt in 2**np.arange(-32., 0): nest.SetKernelStatus({ "tics_per_ms": 2**2 / self.dt, "resolution": self.dt, "print_time": True, "overwrite_files": True, "total_num_virtual_procs": self.total_num_virtual_procs, }) else: nest.SetKernelStatus({ "resolution": self.dt, "print_time": True, "overwrite_files": True, "total_num_virtual_procs": self.total_num_virtual_procs, }) nest.SetDefaults("spike_detector", { 'withtime': True, 'withgid': True, 'to_file': True, 'to_memory': False, }) # Create some populations of parrot neurons that echo the input Poisson # spike times self.nodes = {} for i, N in enumerate(self.N_X): self.nodes[self.X[i]] = nest.Create('parrot_neuron', N) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.spike_output_path, self.dbname)): mystring = os.path.join(self.spike_output_path, self.dbname) print('db %s exist, will not rerun sim or collect gdf!' % mystring) else: # Create on spike detector per population self.spikes = nest.Create("spike_detector", len(self.N_X)) # set label per spike detector for spt, X in zip(self.spikes, self.X): nest.SetStatus([spt], dict(label=os.path.join(self.spike_output_path, self.label + '_' + X))) """ Create independent poisson spike trains with the some rate, but each layer population should really have different rates. """ self.noise = [] # for X, rate in self.frate.items(): for X in self.X: rate = self.frate[X] if isinstance(rate, tuple): self.noise.append(nest.Create("poisson_generator", 1, {"start": rate[0], "rate": rate[1], "stop": rate[2]})) else: self.noise.append(nest.Create("poisson_generator", 1, {"rate": rate})) # Connect parrots and spike detector for X, spt in zip(self.X, self.spikes): nest.Connect(self.nodes[X], [spt], syn_spec='static_synapse') # Connect noise generators and nodes for i, X in enumerate(self.X): nest.Connect(self.noise[i], self.nodes[X], syn_spec='static_synapse') # Run simulation nest.Simulate(self.simtime) # sync COMM.Barrier() # Collect the gdf files self.collect_gdf() # Nodes need to be collected in np.ndarrays: for key in list(self.nodes.keys()): self.nodes[key] = np.array(self.nodes[key])
class CachedTopoNetwork(CachedNetwork): def __init__(self, autocollect=True, label_positions='brunel-py-pos', **kwargs): ''' Parameters ---------- autocollect : bool whether or not to automatically gather gdf file output label_positions : str file prefix of position txt files **kwargs : parameters for parent class hybridLFPy.CachedNetwork ''' # initialize parent class CachedNetwork.__init__(self, autocollect=autocollect, **kwargs) # set class attributes self.label_positions = label_positions # load positions and set them as attributes self.positions = {} for X in self.X: fname = os.path.join(self.spike_output_path, 'all_positions.h5') if os.path.isfile(fname): f = h5py.File(fname, 'r') # set positions, units from mm to mum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # self.positions[X] = f[X][()][:, 1:] * 1E3 self.positions[X] = np.c_[f[X]['x-position_mm'][()], f[X]['y-position_mm'][()]] * 1E3 f.close() else: fnames = glob( os.path.join( self.spike_output_path, label_positions + '*{0}*.dat'.format(X))) for i, fname in enumerate(fnames): if i == 0: tmp_pos = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=object) else: tmp_pos = np.vstack((tmp_pos, np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=object))) # sorting array argsort = np.argsort(tmp_pos[:, 0].astype(int)) # set positions self.positions[X] = tmp_pos[argsort, 1:].astype(float) def plot_raster(self, ax, xlim, x, y, pop_names=False, markersize=20., alpha=1., legend=True, marker='o'): """ Plot network raster plot in subplot object. Parameters ---------- ax : `matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot` object plot axes xlim : list List of floats. Spike time interval, e.g., [0., 1000.]. x : dict Key-value entries are population name and neuron spike times. y : dict Key-value entries are population name and neuron gid number. pop_names: bool If True, show population names on yaxis instead of gid number. markersize : float raster plot marker size alpha : float in [0, 1] transparency of marker legend : bool Switch on axes legends. Returns ------- None """ for i, X in enumerate(self.X): ax.plot(x[X], y[X], marker, markersize=markersize, markerfacecolor=self.colors[i], markeredgecolor=self.colors[i], alpha=alpha, label=X, rasterized=True, clip_on=True) ax.axis([xlim[0], xlim[1], 0, self.N_X.sum()]) ax.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()[::-1]) ax.set_ylabel('cell id', labelpad=0) ax.set_xlabel('$t$ (ms)', labelpad=0) if legend: ax.legend() if pop_names: yticks = [] yticklabels = [] for i, X in enumerate(self.X): if y[X] != []: yticks.append(y[X].mean()) yticklabels.append(self.X[i]) ax.set_yticks(yticks) ax.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) # Add some horizontal lines separating the populations for X in self.X: if y[X].size > 0: ax.plot([xlim[0], xlim[1]], [y[X].max(), y[X].max()], 'k', lw=0.25) if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()